Guide to Noto’s Satoyama and Satoumi (Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems) by Photos and Movies



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  • Noto Wild Vegetables
Noto Wild Vegetables
Agriculture、Forestry and Fisheries
Agricultural products and seafood
There are many types of wild vegetables that have been designated as Noto Vegetables. These include butterbur, bracken, osmund fern, Japanese spikenard, nettle, chive, senna, and ostrich fern sprout. The criteria for a vegetable to qualify as a Noto Wild Vegetable are as follows: (1) It should grow in fields and mountains of Nakanoto Town and northward; (2) It should be collected from January through June (depending on the type); (3) It should grow naturally or be cultivated from the seeds or roots of a wild plant; (4) It should meet the criteria for color, shape, etc.; and (5) Its cultivation should be recorded by the farmer and confirmed by the local agricultural cooperative. Ishikawa Prefecture is trying to make these vegetables brand-name products, and butterbur, Japanese spikenard and nettle are grown in greenhouses in conditions similar to those found in the wild. In order to prevent devastation of mountain areas, the regions and the prefecture are appealing to people who collect wild vegetables to refrain from picking immature plants and to limit the quantity they pick.
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Access number:7221